Jan. 24, 1995.
Now we take you into the wonderful world of the Lizzies
for the second time. Please hold one another's hands
and try not to get lost.
The primary "earth data" we have to verify the existence of the Lizzies is that they have been seen several times, usually by modern-day abductees. In a majority of abductee cases they are not seen at all, but they are sometimes observed standing aside and simply observing what is happening. The relationship between the reptilians and the grey species is usually not known to the abductees. Information that Valerian has gathered makes it clear that most of the greys "work" for the lizzies, or are themsleves slaves of the lizzies. The lizzies apparently left the grey species or specie in in charge of the Earth when most of them left the earth several thousand years ago.
Sometimes it is not always abductees who observe the lizzies. Linda Howe tells of a "cow abduction" case in Missouri where a lizzie was sighted. A married couple watched the apparent cow abduction from the porch of their farm through binoculars. While two, small, white-skinned, large-headed beings worked with the cow, a few feet away a "lizard-guy" watched the proceedings. The human couple described the "lizard-guy" as a humanoid creature that stood about six feet tall, had greenish, scaly skin like a reptile, and had large pale green eyes with vetically slit pupils.
Alice Bryant and Linda Seebach report two apparent abductions of humans by reptilian beings in their book Healing Shattered Reality: Understand Contactee Trauma. Two men who were not acquainted at the time were abducted and given rough physical examinations on board a craft by seven foot tall lizard-like beings. Both men are reported to have lived lives of terror and secret shame following the abduction.
In another case, a rancher was working with his cattle on his ranch in New Mexico, when suddenly his herd spooked and scattered. He looked up an saw the reason his cows had become frightened - a UFO craft was hovering over him. His first reaction was one of anger at this craft for having scattered his cattle, and he fired two shots with a thirty-thirty rifle he carried. His horse then threw him and he was dazed. The next thing this rancher knew he was taken into the craft, pushed onto an examining table and undressed. He was given a very rough examination by five reptilian-like beings, three males and two females. He described these creature as having"...humanoid bodies with the exception of scaly fish features and tails like reptiles. They wore few clothes. The female sexual parts were similar to Homo sapiens. Their legs and arms were somewhat lizard-like. Their features resembled frogs, yet human like at the same time. The eyes were large, protuberant. They had three fingers and three toes.." (JW In this book by Mr. Horn, Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins, there is picture of a "lizzie, or reptoid species drawn from abductee eyewitness accounts. From Revelations of Awareness, issue 92-4, Cosmic Awareness Communications, P.O. Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507. With Permission. Maybe someone can make a Gif of this picture and put it on the Net. The lizzie looks a lot like the alien creature that was in the movie called Alien Mine or Enemy Mine.)
Sometimes human encounters with a lizzie have been more pleasant. Denise and Bert Twigs, in their book Secret Vows, claim to have an ongoing relationship with a couple that claims to be from the Andromeda constellation. Both claim to have conceived several half-alien, half human children, both in their home in Oregon and on the space craft on which the Andrameda couple are not residing. On one of their extended visits to the "mother ship" of the alleged Andromes, they met the security man"
The top security man for the Andromes was not an Androme. He looked like a reptile, like an upright alligator, although I don't believe his mouth was as long as an alligator's, and he did speak our language. His smile lit up his whole face... Bert and I both remembered this on the same night, and since then we have fondly referred to our new acquaintance as "the alligator man." (JW I will now skip a few gory detaials.)
The amount of care a mammalian mother gives her young can find no parallel among the earth reptiles. Many reptile parent-offsprings relationship follow the path of the huge Komodo Dragon that today lives upon only remote islands of Indonesia, the island country in southeast Asia. This giant ten-foot lizard has programmed in their genes a unique behavior patten that allows its young to survive. As soon as eggs hatch the young lizard are genetically programmed to climb up the nearest tree as fast as they can, where they will remain for a period of several months. The reason these infant lizards are programmed to rapidly climb trees and remain there during their early development is to avoid being eaten on the ground by predators, especially their own mother. Apparently, the mother Komodo Dragon has no meanss of distinguishing her own progeny from all of the small animals normally constituting her prey.
JW Lest I give all of you even more nightmares that you already have, I had better not cover any more of this information about the good ole lizzies.
The End. Part 2 of 2.
Source of Information. Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins, Dr. Authur David Horn, P.O. Box 1632 - Mount Shasta, Calif. 96067. ISBN 0-9641849-1-5.
John Winston.